In India, two types of coal are found, of Permian age and of tertiary.
Permian coal
It occurs in Gondwana basins. Coal deposits occurs only in lower Gondwana. These are of bituminous to sub bituminous rank and are interbedded with sandstone and shale.
Coal fields of Jharia, Bokaro and Giridh have coking coal (means the coal there contains coking constituents i.e. Vitrain and Clarain).
Important coal fields

- Damodar valley region
West Bengal : Raniganj coal field
Jharkhand : Jharia, Giridh, Bokaro, Karanpura, Daltonganj, Medininagar.
- Son Mahanadi valley
Chhattisgarh: Korba
Orissa: Talchir
- Wardha Godavari valley
Andhra Pradesh: Singareni
Maharashtra: Wardha
Tertiary coal (lignite) in India
• Palana, Bikaner (Nagaur basin)
Palana coalfield in palana formation of Bikaner Nagaur basin is rich in lignite. The age of formation is Paleocene.
• Neyveli, Tiruchirapalli
Neyveli coal field of Cuddalore formation contains lignite deposits. These are interbedded with reddish Sandstone. The age of formation is Miocene. There is a mining problem in Neyveli as the deposit occurs with aquifer. For more info, click Neyveli lignite corporation limited.
• Panandharo, Umreswar and Akhrimota (Gujrat)
These lignite coalfields occurs in Eocene formations. These are interbedded with sandstone and shales.
• Northeast coalfields
Coal found in Northeast states have comparatively high sulphur content. Following formations contains lignite coal.
Barail formation - Oligocene
In Garampani formation of Meghalaya.
Anthracite in India
Anthracite in India occurs only in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Kalakote coal fields have these deposits along with some low grade coal.
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