Spiti, like succession of Kashmir have the rocks ranges from precambrian to Mesozoic. We suggest you to read on Kashmir stratigraphy first. If done, then go ahead.
Precambrian and Paleozoic
Most of the lithology in lower units is of slate and schist rocks.
Important formations in this successions are of carboniferous and permian age.
Lipak formation is composed of shale and limestone, and have trilobites, brachiopods and coral fossils. Po formation is of shale and quartzites, and chief fossils are brachiopods.
Permian Triassic Boundary
Lilang section represents the gradational contact between permian and triassic rocks. succession of Lilang is given below
Triassic succession is similar to that of Kashmir, lower part have biozones of cephalopods viz. Octoceras, Ophiceras, Meekoceras, Hedestroemia.
All 3 formations, Kalapani, Lagudarsi and Kuti have cephalopods, pelecypods, brachiopods fossils.
Kioto limestone is famous for abundant presence of Megalodon pelecypoda fossils.
Spiti shales are rich in ammonoid fossils in carbonaceous micaceous shale.
Giumal sandstone are yellow coloured sandstone with fossils of some famous bivalves, Cardium, Gryphaea, and ammonoites.
In Chikkim limestone, Hippurites (bivalve) and belemenite (cephalopod) fossils.
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