Closed and open forms of Non-Isometric system

Open forms of non-isometric system

1. Pedions: Single faced form. It is a form consisting of a single face so situated on a crystal that is not repeated by any of the elements of symmetry.

2. Pinacoids: 2 parallel faces. It is a form composed of a pair of parallel faces on the opposite side of the centre.

3. Prisms: A form whose faces are parallel to vertical axis only. Prisms may be composed of 3,4,6,8, or 12 faces.

4. Dome: 2 non parallel faces related by a mirror reflection. It resembles a gabble-roof of a house. The faces are parallel to a or b crystallographic axis.

5. Sphenoids: 2 nonparallel faces related by a 
2-fold  rotation. It is a wedge like form which is obtained by repetition of a face around a daid axis.

6. Pyramid: 3 or more faces meeting in a vertex. The faces of this form meet three axis, a , b, and c. Pyramids may be composed of 3,4,6,8, or 12 faces.

Closed forms of Non-isometric system

1. Dipyramid: A closed form consisting of 6, 8, 12, 16 or 24 faces. A dipyramid is formed of two pyramids by reflection of one of them across a horizontal plane.

2. Disphenoid: A closed form having two upper faces that alternate with two lower faces, offset by 900.
 3. Trapezohedron: A closed form that has trapezium shaped 6, 8, 12, faces.

4. Rhombohedron: A closed form of 6 rhomb-shaped faces.


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